
华尔街日报: U.S. Products Help Block Mideast Web

华尔街日报: U.S. Products Help Block Mideast Web

原文见 http://on.wsj.com/fPQ1Wh


摘抄部分与 GFW 有关的:

China is considered the king of Web filtering, with its elaborate censorship system dubbed the "Great Firewall." China's technology remains unclear but its reach is vast: Local Chinese sites must be licensed and are required to remove any content the government deems objectionable. In addition, some major foreign sites, including Facebook, Twitter and Google Inc.'s YouTube, have been blocked for more than a year.

Middle East Web blocking has some differences. Government licenses for websites typically aren't required. Another difference: In the Middle East the ISP will generally show an explicit notice saying a site has been blocked, whereas in China it is often unclear why a site becomes inaccessible.




Known as Alkasir, the Arabic word for "circumventor," his free program has attracted at least 16,000 users in Yemen, China, Iran and elsewhere

Alkasir 也是一种翻墙工具, 有用过的驴友吗?




For better or worse, says Mr. Chakchouk, part of the legacy of Tunisia's former regime has been to leave Tunisia with some of the most sophisticated Internet-filtering equipment in the world. "I had a group of international experts from a group here lately, who looked at the equipment and said: 'The Chinese could come here and learn from you.'"


顺便问一下老大的 PUFF 有家里用电信的 ADSL 不能翻墙, 能连上服务器, 但是IP地址不变, (翻墙成功的话显示为USA的IP地址), 何解?

